2022-2023 Eğitim - Öğretim Yılı Uluslararası Öğrenci Yerleştirme Sonuçları / 2022-2023 Academic Year International Student Placement Results
Üniversitemize kayıt hakkı kazanan Uluslararası öğrencilerimizin 15 Ağustos - 25 Ağustos 2022 tarihleri arasında kayıt hakkı kazandıkları Fakülte / Meslek Yüksekokulu öğrenci işleri birimine aşağıda istenen belgeler ile birlikte şahsen başvurmaları halinde kayıtları yapılacaktır.
Kesin kayıt için aşağıdaki belgeler istenilir:
Yerleştirme Sonucunuzu Öğrenmek İçin Tıklayınız.
Yerleşen Listesi İçin Tıklayınız.
Harç Miktarları İçin Tıklayınız.
Our International students accepted to register at our university, will be able to do it between 15 August - 25 August 2022. They will be registered by personally applying to the Student Affairs Unit of their faculty, with all documents listed below.
Documents Required for Registration:
(1) Original high school diploma and “Equivalency Certificate”, which is taken from Turkish Embassy or Consulate in applicant‟s country or TC Ministry of Education or provincial directorate of the Ministry of Education, and indicating that high school diploma is equivalent to the diplomas of Turkish high schools,
(2) Original copy of the examination result sent for application,
(3) Notarized copy of passport,
(4) 6 recent photos of the applicants (4,5X6cm),
(5) A document stating that the applicant has the financial guarantee amount determined by the Directorate of University for related academic year, with regard to the applicant’s financial condition’s eligibility for continuing higher education in Turkey,
(6) Students placed in programs with Turkish as a teaching language should be able to certify it with the Turkish Proficiency Examinations held at Turkish Education Centers recognized by the Council of Higher Education, whith at least a C1 level.
(7) Students placed in programs with a foreign language are required to certify their language score showing 70 or up, with the International Examinations (ANNEX-2) conducted by YÖK and ÖSYM, and accepted by the Interuniversity council. (Not obligatory).
(8) Bank receipt confirming the payment of the tuition fee.
(9) A document showing that Turkish Citizens (except TRNC) and dual nationalities with at least one Turkish identity having completed their high school abroad, have been in the country during their education period,
(9) A document showing that Turkish Citizens (except TRNC) and dual nationalities with at least one Turkish identity having completed their high school abroad, have been in the country during their education period with their entry and exit document (accessible in the e-government system, any police stations or by applying to the next foreign representative office).
Click Here To See The Placement Results.
Click Here For The List Of Placements.
Click Here To See The Fees.