2023 Erasmus+ Proje Sonuçlarının Yaygınlaştırılması ve Kullanılması (DEOR) Toplantısı Gerçekleştirildi
2023 Erasmus+ Project Results Dissemination and Exploitation (DEOR) Meeting Conducted
On Thursday, November 16, 2023, the National Agency of Turkey conducted a meeting for the Disseination and Exploitation of Results (DEOR) of Erasmus+ Projects. The meeting, which was attended by approximately 600 participants, commenced with opening speeches by Mr. Yunus Alper ALTAY, the General Coordinator of the Turkey National Agency.
The DEOR concept aims to share the outcomes of Erasmus+ projects with a wider audience, ensuring the sustainability of these outcomes, contributing to policy-making, and serving as an inspiration for other projects.
In line with this, the Turkey National Agency organizes DEOR meetings annually on a specific theme. These meetings bring together representatives of strategic partnership projects with concrete outcomes relevant to the selected theme and representatives of institutions and organizations that can benefit from these results. The theme of the 2023 DEOR Meeting was determined to be 'Digitalization'. For the program and presentations of this year's meeting, please visit https://www.ua.gov.tr/haber-ve-duyurular/2023-erasmus-proje-sonuclarinin-yayginlastirilmasi-ve-kullanilmasi-deor-toplantisi-gerceklestirildi/.
For information on DEOR and details about all the DEOR meetings conducted since 2016, please visit https://bit.ly/erasmus_deor.
Message from the 2023 Meeting:
Mr. Yunus Alper ALTAY, General Coordinator of the Turkey National Agency: "Ensuring the sustainability of Erasmus+ project outcomes, utilizing these outcomes in the policy-making process, and their reflection in national policies are crucial for maximizing the benefits that our country can obtain from the Erasmus+ Programme. Since 2016, the Turkey National Agency has been systematically organizing DEOR workshops to support our beneficiaries in this regard. However, the essence of the matter lies in the efforts of our valuable beneficiaries to sustain the project results. We expect you to give even more importance to this issue, knowing its significance."