Öğretim Üyemiz Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kocaoğlu’nun Projesine Türkiye Ulusal Ajansından Destek
On behalf of our university, the project titled "Combating Islamophobia Through Intercultural Studies," submitted by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kocaoğlu, a faculty member of the Management Information Systems Department in the Faculty of Applied Sciences, and the Coordinator of Scientific Research Projects (BAP) and NEÜ Project Transfer Unit (NEPTÜN), has been awarded a budget of 27,498 Euros by the Turkish National Agency.
Providing information about the project, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kocaoğlu stated, "The project, which will be carried out under the coordination of our university within the scope of the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility of Youth Workers by the Turkish National Agency, will be conducted with nine partners from different countries across Europe. Islamophobia is rapidly increasing in Europe. Through the project 'Combating Islamophobia Through Intercultural Studies,' we aim to halt this rise, provide knowledge, tools, and skills to fight against Islamophobia, promote tolerance and respect, gain insights into the current European realities and context of Islamophobia, and investigate the impact of Islamophobia on youth."