Department of Industrial Design

Department of Industrial Design

About Us
The Department of Industrial Design was established in 2011. (Our department has not yet begun accepting students).
The department consists of one (Industrial Design) major. The goal of the Industrial Design Department is to educate industrial designers. The aim of the Industrial Design Department is to provide students with knowledge and skills that are current, innovative, design- and application-oriented, to enhance the level of university-industry collaboration, to develop innovative and scientific solutions by analyzing the needs of local and global markets, to be sensitive to social and environmental issues, and to use human-centered design.

Industrial Design is the intellectual development of products that are manufactured in industry for the end user. Criteria such as functionality, suitability for the target audience, and the needs of the user are considered and projected into a new product suitable for production. Industrial design is a profession that aims to establish the relationship between objects produced by industrial methods and people. Industrial methods aim at economic efficiency by optimizing the cost of products that must be produced in large quantities, such as materials, number of processes and labor, since they are aimed at a group of buyers in the broadest sense. The industrial designer knows these methods and communicates with other elements of the industrial environment (engineers, operators) in the language of these methods.

The industrial designer expresses the relationship between the product and the human being with all the visual, esthetic and functional values that s/he attributes to this product in order to ensure a comfortable, healthy, safe and communicative relationship during the use of the product and then to deliver this product to the consumer who needs it. In line with the requirements of industrialism, the industrial designer seeks to create a difference that gives the entrepreneur who employs her/him a competitive advantage over the product s/he has designed, which s/he produces and markets, while responding to the needs of people.

In its broadest definition, design is the humanization of technology. Industrial design is the professional service of designing and developing concepts and definitions that optimize the function, value, and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of user and manufacturer. Industrial designers develop these concepts and definitions based on data collected, analyzed, and synthesized to meet the specific needs of the client or manufacturer. Industrial designers are trained to create clean and clear proposals with drawings, models, and verbal descriptions.