Department of Cinema-TV

About Us

About us
The Department of Radio, Television and Cinema was established in 2013. It includes the sub-departments of film design and direction, sound editing, camera and cinema-television.
The goal of the department is to enable students to gain and apply production experience at every stage of their studies. The Department of Radio, Television and Cinema aims to train students to be technically, practically and academically competent in these areas and to develop a sense of artistic and professional principles.
The mission of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema is to pioneer with its students on a national and international level, to internalize the universality of art and science, and to be an academic unit that understands the productivity of the artist.
The vision of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema is to train national and international, original, critical, interpretive, thought-provoking and responsible media professionals who have internalized the national culture of our country, committed to its values and acquired an academic and artistic perspective that can reflect this culture and values in the content they will produce, and to become a school in the field of media.