Department of Plant and Animal Production

Course Contents

The aim of the course is to educate the general concepts of plant science, to comprehend the importance of classification in the plant kingdom, to know basically a plant cell structure, organelles, cell division stages and to recognize the cell as a whole, to comprehend plant tissues and cell organizations, morphological, anatomical, physiological in plants. and taxonomic structure in a basic sense and to provide students with analytical thinking and research skills on this subject.
Plant ecology
Basic concepts, environment and adaptation in plants, effects of abiotic and biotic factors on plants, plant environment relations, ecological life cycle in plants, vitality, ecological adaptation and evolution: ecofin, ecotype, ecological importance of interspecies variations, distribution and migration of plants importance for the ecosystem, general characteristics of plant communities, plant formations, characteristics of plant formations, succession and climax, conservation ecology, conservation of plant gene resources, effects of pollution on plants.
General Chemistry
Units and unit conversions, matter, atoms and atomic theory; mole concept, chemical compounds, chemical reactions; gases; thermochemistry; electron structure of atom; periodic table and periodic properties of elements; chemical bonds; liquids and intermolecular forces; solutions and their physical properties; molarity concept, chemical equilibrium; acid and bases; thermodynamics
Medical and Aromatic Plant Growing Techniques-I
Ecological demands of medicinal and aromatic plants, generative (seed) production techniques of medicinal and aromatic plants, vegetative production techniques of medicinal and aromatic plants, breeding of medicinal and aromatic plants, cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in open areas, plant nutrition, plant protection, disease in plants signs, classification of diseases in plants, production techniques of some commonly used medicinal and aromatic plants, importance of medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation, classification of medicinal and aromatic plants in terms of cultivation.
Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution-I
The purpose of reading Atatürk's principles and revolution history course and the concept of revolution, the concept of revolution, Atatürk's view on the revolution, overview of the reasons that prepared the fall of the ottoman empire and the turkish revolution, ınternal reasons, external reasons, disintegration of the ottoman empire, ottoman empire fragmentation projects. the armistice of mudros, the situation of the country against the occupations and the reaction of mustafa kemal pasha, the opening of the turkish grand national assembly, the national struggle until the sakarya victory, the battle of sakarya and the great offensive, from mudanya to lausanne.
Turkish Language-I
What is language, the place and importance of language as a social institution in the life of the nation; language-culture relations, the place of the Turkish language among the world languages, the development of the turkish language and its historical periods, the current situation of the Turkish language and its spreading areas, the sounds in Turkish and its classification, the phonetic features of Turkish and the rules about phonetics. syllable knowledge, spelling rules and application, punctuation marks and their application, Turkish affixes and their application, general information about composition, plan and application to be used in composition writing, conjugation of nouns and verbs in Turkish, expression forms and applications in composition, usage of adverbs and prepositions in Turkish.
Foreign Language/English-I
Speaking (speaking a foreign language clearly), listening-comprehension (comprehending the message from the speaker when spoken at normal speed), writing (writing appropriately by following grammar and spelling rules), reading-comprehension (reading in a foreign language and understanding what is read, improving vocabulary) ). introductıon verb "to be", possessive adjectives personal information, a/an, plurals the classroom vowel sounds, this / that - these / those common objects classroom language, present simple (+) and (-) common verb phrases, a / an + jobs consonant sounds, possessive 's family vocabulary. adjectives quite / very, telling the time, present simple daily routine, adverbs of frequency time words and expressions, prepositions of time the date.
Occupational Health and Safety-I
Basic concepts and history about occupational health and safety, risk, danger, primary, secondary and tertiary protection concepts, biological and chemical risk factors, physical and psychosocial risk factors, occupational health and safety practice principles, risk prevention culture in the workplace, importance of safety culture and its place in daily life, establishing and maintaining a safety culture, the purpose of establishment, structure, employees of İSGB, OSGB and TSM. qualifications, assignments, authorities and responsibilities of occupational safety specialists and workplace doctors.
Plant Physiology
To inform students about nutrition of plants and their physiological and biochemical changes between plants, substance uptake and transport in plants, tranpiration, photosynthesis (C3,C4, CAM plants) and aerobic and anaerobic (fermentation) respiration events, photorespiration according to the developmental stages of plants.
Organic Chemistry
The aim of this course is to gain experience for a simple and multi-step chemical synthesis such as alkyl halides, alcohols ethers, epoxides, alkynes, alkynes, and to write general radical mechanisms and to introduce the stereochemistry of organic compounds to the student.
Academic Writing Course
The importance and historical development of scientific writing, characteristics of scientific articles, explanation of scientific article writing techniques, examining scientific articles and writing scientific articles.
Medical and Aromatic Plant Growing Techniques-II
Plant collection from nature, collection times of medicinal and aromatic plants, status of plant cultivation for industrial purposes, organic cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, mechanical harvesting methods of medicinal and aromatic plants, post-collection processes applied to drugs, drying, stabilization, storage of medicinal and aromatic plants, decontamination methods, biological control, packaging of medicinal and aromatic plants, marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants.
Herbal medicine and food support, herbal medicine active and auxiliary substances, secondary substances in the plant, to convey the subjects such as carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, essential oils, fixed oils, tannins, mucilages, organic acids, waxes and the extraction of these substances from plants and extraction methods, diagnosis and quantification.
What is ethnobotany? historical development of ethnobotany, quantitative ethnobotany, resource management, ethnobotanical study methods, ethnobotanically used parts of plants, uses of plants, medicinal plants, ındustrial plants, agricultural plants, plants with other uses, local and scientific name problems encountered in ethnobotanical studies.
Medical and Aromatic Plants Systematics
Principles of general taxonomy, species, subspecies and supraspecies, classification systems of plants, systematic features of Spermatophyta, Gymnosperms and their classification, systematic features of Pinaceae and Cupressaceae families Angiospermae and Magnoliopsida class, Ranunculaceae, Fagaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Malvaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Apiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, systematic features of Monocotilodonopsida class, systematics of families Poaceae, Liliaceae, Orchidaceae, Iridaceae, introduction and grouping of plants used in both modern medicine and traditional medicine, Latin and Turkish nomenclature of plants, local names of plants.
Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution-II
The national struggle in the field of education and culture, the national struggle in the social and economic field, the strategy of the Turkish revolution, two great revolutions in the political field, the establishment of the republic administration, the reactions to the proclamation of the republic, the abolition of the caliphate, the progressive republican party and the period of appreciation, economic revolution, trial of multi-party life and some domestic political events, revolution in social structure and health, atatürk's principles, a general evaluation of the threats to turkey and kemalist thought, Atatürk and his state life, Atatürk and his intellectual life, the importance of science and technology, tolerance, freedom of conscience and thought, peace at home, peace in the world, atatürk and national education, atatürk and cultural Policy, Atatürk and Turkish history, Atatürk and Turkish language, Atatürk and Fine Arts, Atatürk and women's rights, Atatürk and youth, Atatürk and economy, religion and secularism.
Turkish Language-II
Elements of the sentence, sentence analysis and application, reading and examining the works related to literature and the world of thought and rhetorical applications, written composition types and their application, expression and sentence disorders and their correction, rules to be followed in the preparation of scientific articles. sample texts selected from turkish and world literatures and the history of thought based on the development of the student's ability to speak and write correctly and beautifully, and rhetorical practices.
Foreign Language/English-II
Can/can't verb phrases like + ing, free time activities object pronouns, love stroy phrases, possessive pronouns rhyming words, past simple of "be" was/were, past simple regular verbs, past time expressions, past simple irregular verbs go , have, get, there is/there are houses and furniture, there was/there were prepositions of place, present continuous verb phrases, present simple or present continuous? Places in a city, a/an, some/any countable/uncountable nouns, how much/how many quantifiers, food and drinks revision.
Occupational Health and Safety-II
The importance and history of occupational health and safety, occupational accidents and their causes, occupational diseases and their causes, factors that threaten occupational safety in enterprises, the characteristics of the enterprise in terms of occupational safety, duties of the employer in ensuring occupational safety, duties of personnel in ensuring occupational safety, protective equipment to be used in terms of occupational safety, hazards and their classification, precautions to be taken in case of fire in enterprises, first aid, legal legislation on occupational health and safety.
Applying the theoretical and practical training of the topics covered in the courses in the fields of application of professional knowledge and gaining work experience
Career Planning
Career-related concepts and career development theories national and international exchange programs, career trends in the world and in Turkey features of career planning, self-knowledge CV preparation, basic communication skills, interpersonal relations, diction and body language oral and written communication, methods of coping with stress interview techniques entrepreneurship time management career fair sectoral career opportunities (public) sectoral career opportunities (private) sectoral career opportunities (academy) job search methods, project management working life competencies (team work, problem solving, etc.)
Herbarium Techniques
Purpose of making herbarium, usage areas of herbarium specimens, arrangement of specimens in herbarium, place and environment of the plant, notes on the place of the plant, ımportant rules in herbarium construction, materials required for field studies, materials necessary for laboratory studies, time and shape of sample collection, sample collection considerations, harvesting and drying methods of different plants, pressing of plants, considerations in pressing, labeling of herbarium specimens, preservation of specimens.
Soil Information
The main building materials of soils, origin, formation and classification of parent material, erosion, weathering and coalescence in soil formation, factors affecting soil formation, soil profile, soil classification;,physical and chemical properties of mineral soils, plant nutrients in mineral soils, soil reaction, soil water, soil organisms, soil organic matter, soil air, soil temperature, lime and calcification of soils; organic soils, to give information about soil fertility and the condition of the absolutely necessary nutrients for the plant in the soil.
Medical and Aromatic Plants Anatomy
Basic structure of cell wall, meristem tissues, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, periderm, xylem and phloem tissues, morphological and anatomical structures of root and stem organs, morphological and anatomical structures of leaf and flower organs.
Essential Oil Plants
Essential (etheric) oils, general properties, classifications, essential oil extraction methods, essential oils in medicine, their effects and use; essential oils, their effects and use in the cosmetics industry; Plants from which essential oil is obtained according to the organs used, from the whole plant (thyme, lavender), leaves (sage, rosemary, mint, basil, coriander, laurel, pine), seeds (anise, cumin, mustard, celery, coconut), bark and fruit bark (cinnamon and lemon, orange, grapefruit), flower (rose, carnation, jasmine, lemon balm), root-onion-rhizome (valerian, horseradish - garlic - ginger), resin ( frankincense, yellow gum) and wood (cedar, eucalyptus, sandalwood) to inform students about the plants from which essential oil is obtained and their properties.
Information Technologies
Introduction to computer and basic hardware information, operating systems, Windows operating system, Windows XP, using desktop objects in accordance with their content and purpose, folder and file information, MS word, word processing software, MS excel, MS power point, MS internet explorer, computer hardware and software, memory types, operating systems, MS DOS, directories and subdirectories, directory names, files and file names, DOS Commands. Word and Excel: preparing documents, formatting, using audit software, adding and editing, printing document, creating tables, complex applications, defining quick access functions, preparing and posting official letters such as resumes and petitions, performing calculations in created tables, used in the preparation of presentations techniques.
Drog Preparation Techniques
Explaining the concepts of drugs and drugs, explaining the concepts of monograph and pharmacopoeia, naming drugs, plant organs to be used as drugs and the characteristics of these organs, harvesting or collecting drugs from nature, cleaning, drying, storing and transporting drugs to consumers, fumigation of drugs, matters to be considered during drug sales, providing basic information.
Professional Practice I
The application of the theoretical knowledge that the student has seen in the courses in the enterprises that are deemed appropriate related to the program.
Pleasure and Spice Plants
Enjoyable and stimulating plants, botanical features, active ingredients (alkloid, glycoside, etc.) and degree of effectiveness, used parts, areas of use; evaluation techniques of major recreational and stimulant plants (tobacco, hemp, coffee, tea, cocoa, hops, anise, poppy); Giving information about the cultivation, potential and economy of pleasure and stimulating plants in Turkey and in the world.
Scientific Research and Ethics
Ethical problems in research/unethical behaviors and their prevention, scientific research methods, scientific research planning: research problems, hypotheses and objectives, access to scientific ınformation: library, digital library, databases, scientific data collection and measurement methods, data analysis methods and presentation, validity and reliability concepts, writing a research proposal -preparing a 'summary' proposal, research report preparation/reporting methods, basic rules and examples in article writing, higher education council scientific research and publication ethics directive.
Environment and Organic Agriculture
Definition of general principles of organic agriculture, rules of organic production, fertilization and plant protection methods in organic production, definition and importance of environment and environmental pollution, factors causing environmental pollution and their effects on natüre, agricultural pollution (fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, irrigation water, misuse of agricultural lands, erosion) and measures to be taken to minimize the effects of these polluting factors.
Definition of aromatherapy and phytotherapy, its historical development, the origin of treatment with plants, phytotherapy and aromatherapy today. the importance of herbal medicines, the differences between herbal medicines and synthetic medicines, the use of herbal drugs in complementary medicine, the preparation of medicinal teas (infusion, decoction, maceration) and considerations in preparation and medicinal tea types (bag tea, granulated tea, instant teas) and ingredients, phytotherapeutic effects of medicinal plants, use of essential oils used in aromatherapy in treatment, obtaining essential oils, methods of applying aromatherapy (massage, inhalation, compress, bath), points to be considered in the use of essential oils, use of essential oils used in aromatherapy in treatment, obtaining essential oils, methods of applying aromatherapy (massage, inhalation, compress, bath), points to be considered in the use of essential oils.
Vocational Project Preparation
Project concept and project types, curricula and project-based learning, project programs in schools (TUBITAK, EU and others), topic selection for the Project, literature review, logical framework in the project, planning and management of the Project, application of the scientific method in the project, project report preparation and development, finalize the project report, project evaluation and review of good practices, project presentations, poster and brochure design techniques.
Standardizatıon, Storage, Packaging
Standardization of medicinal and aromatic plants; physical, chemical and biological preservation methods; packaging forms and packaging materials; Informing the students on subjects such as glass and glass packaging, metal materials and metal packaging, plastics and plastic packaging, paper and paper packaging, transport packaging, factors that affect quality positively or negatively.
Medicinal Plants With Onion and Tube
Systematics, use and vegetative characteristics of bulbous-tuber plants, morphological characteristics of geophytes, medicinal importance of bulbous-tuber plants, harvest and post-harvest processes in bulbous plants.
Toxicological Plants
Toxicology, toxins, branches of toxicology, classification of toxins, toxic doses, toxication, mechanism of toxic effects, mutagen in foods, carcinogens, teratogens, toxicity tests acute, subacute, chronic tests, final evaluation points in toxicology, NOAEL, ADI, GRAS, ML values, Toxic substances naturally found in plants - definitions, classifications, toxic effects, food contaminants - definitions, classifications, toxic effects, food additives - definitions, classifications, safety and legal status, functions, usage areas.
Usage Areas Of Medical and Aromatic Plants
Use of medicinal and aromatic plants among the public, use of medicinal and aromatic plants as food and spices, herbal teas, complementary treatment systems and plants used, use of medicinal plants in different diseases, use of medicinal plants in different diseases, medicinal and aromatic plants used in personal care products, medicinal and the use of aromatic plants in agriculture and animal husbandry.
Professional Practice-II
The application of the theoretical knowledge that the student has seen in the courses in the enterprises that are deemed appropriate related to the program.
Basic Nutritional Principles
Nutritional concepts, nutrition and health, nutrients (carbohydrates), nutrients (proteins), nutrients (fats), nutrients (vitamins), nutrients (water and minerals), energy metabolism, energy imbalances, nutritional disorders. food hygiene and sanitation, effects of nutrition on cancer, nutrition in diseases.
Dye Plants
Introduction and cultivation of dyestuff-containing plants, basic information is given to students on subjects such as natural dyeing techniques (mordant dyeing, direct dyeing or tube dyeing) and applications.
Introduction of the course, definition of communication, its importance and process. classification of communication types, identification of barriers, ways to overcome barriers. empathic communication, empathic communication and listening skills and topics of sympathy. oral communication, its process, importance, types of oral communication, advantages and disadvantages. nonverbal communication, its process, importance, types, advantages and disadvantages. knows the invention of written communication, its elements, advantages and disadvantages, types and tools and applications. types of correspondence, commercial and official correspondence, official writing types, form writings and private correspondence, cv, petition and report writing. business letters from correspondence types, types, business letter editing. organizational correspondence and business letters. the functioning of communication in organizations and communication tools used in organizations. meaning, importance, purpose and functions of organizational communication. organizational communication methods and tools, technical communication, technique and technology concept, developments in communication Technologies, form editing and graphic communication, use of tables and schemas in communication, information technology and communication, topics related to communication with computer networks, internet, intranet, extranet.